You must remove things that'll DISTRACT you from your main thing.


The art of elimination.

“You must remove things that’ll DISTRACT you from your main thing.”

These words may seem simple, but their implications are profound.

In our fast-paced, hyperconnected world, distractions lurk around every corner. They come in various forms — endless notifications, tempting opportunities, and countless demands on our time and attention. If we allow them to seep into our lives unchecked, they can derail us from our goals and drain our energy.

Think about your main thing — the core purpose or objective that drives you forward. It might be launching a groundbreaking product, writing that book, building a thriving community, or revolutionizing an industry.

Whatever it may be, your main thing is the heart and soul of your entrepreneurial journey.

Now, take a moment to reflect on the distractions that often creep into your path.

These distractions can come in various forms: unnecessary meetings, excessive multitasking, an overloaded inbox, or even the fear of missing out on every opportunity that comes your way.

To fully embrace the power of elimination, it’s essential to identify and shed these distractions.

That means taking a deliberate and intentional approach to eliminate anything that pulls you away from what truly matters to you. It requires consciously choosing to prioritize your main thing — the passion, project, or pursuit that fuels your purpose and brings you fulfillment.

Here’s how you can start:

Evaluate your commitments: Take a critical look at your to-do list, projects, and obligations. Are there tasks that don’t align with your main thing? Consider delegating, outsourcing, or even eliminating them altogether.

Embrace the 80/20 rule: The Pareto Principle states that roughly 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the vital few actions that yield the greatest impact and dedicate more time and energy to them.

Identify the Distractions: Take stock of the distractions that frequently vie for your attention. Is it excessive time spent on social media? Perhaps it’s constantly saying “yes” to every opportunity that comes your way. Recognizing these distractions is the first step towards overcoming them.

Evaluate Their Impact: Reflect on the consequences of allowing distractions to impede your progress. How do they affect your focus, productivity, and overall well-being? By understanding the toll they take, you can become more determined to minimize their influence.

Create boundaries: Establish clear boundaries for your time and attention. Communicate your priorities to your team, colleagues, family, and friends (and even yourself) politely but firmly, so they understand your commitment and can support you in staying focused. Protect this time fiercely, and make it sacred. Learn to say no to opportunities that don’t align with your main thing.

Practice Saying “No”: It’s tempting to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes your way, but doing so can spread you thin and divert your attention. Learn to say “no” graciously to commitments that don’t align with your main thing. Remember, every “no” is an opportunity to say “yes” to what truly matters.

Streamline your processes: Look for ways to simplify and optimize your workflows. Automate repetitive tasks, leverage technology, and seek efficiencies wherever possible. By doing so, you’ll free up valuable resources to focus on what truly matters.

Realign Regularly: Regularly reassess your main thing to ensure it still aligns with your values, goals, and passions. As you grow and evolve, your main thing might evolve too. Stay attuned to your inner compass and adjust your focus accordingly.

Eliminating distractions isn’t about depriving yourself of opportunities or experiences; it’s about honing your focus on what will drive you toward your goals. By removing the clutter, you create space for clarity, creativity, and meaningful progress.

So, as you head into the week, I encourage you to embrace the power of elimination.

Take some time to identify the distractions that hinder your progress and commit to removing them from your path. Simplify, streamline, and reclaim your focus on what truly matters most and moves you towards your goal.

P.S. Whenever you are ready…here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business and strategize the life you dream of:

1. Ready to build s Strategy Plan in 20 minutes?
Let’s meet: Book a NO-Catch, NO-Pitch Strategy Plan Session HERE

2. Want to Stop Feeling Busy, Create Predictable Days & Regain your Sanity? Check out My Success Schedule HERE. Your investment is $197 and includes 1 Private Coaching session with me.

3. Ready to Stop the Lone-Wolf journey and be supported with a coach and peers with a personalized strategy plan and skills development? Success By Design is 12-Month Customized Support Mastermind Membership to build your strategy & skills to optimize profit and joy. It’s a 6K investment and will deliver more than any program you’ve seen out there. 

(CLICK HERE to visit a private member session as our guest)

4. You’re powerful, have a bias for action, and a track record of success, but crave something more? If you know you’re ready to do the deep work to become the next-level YOU- Let’s have a human-to-human conversation about what that might look like. Book HERE