Meet Tanya
Sanity Maker | Systems Creator | Reality Facer | Best Life Builder
Who is Tanya MFK?
But let’s be honest, that’s too much to say, spell and remember. So Tanya MFK it is. (And it helps that I’m the only one in the world!)
After growing up in homeless shelters as a kid, I lived everyday to work hard and create a future measured by the security of my bank account.
I worked myself to burnout each day.
The rest of “life” had to wait until I arrived at achievement.
But it didn’t wait.
My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer and died 90 days later. Living for the future had me miss out on a lot of time we could have enjoyed together.
It is this very lesson that has propelled my mission to: Eliminate hustle and enjoy life on a clear road to success. It’s more than mindset, theory, or great Instagram quotes.
Living your best life requires a vision, a plan, systems and real granular work. It means taking all these great ideas, inspirations, goals and putting them into a realistic and specific strategy.
There is no magical “someday” in the future. Tomorrow is not promised. And a dream without a plan is just a hallucination. You must design success on your terms and live your best life RIGHT NOW!
Ready to Unbusy Your LIfe & Untangle Your Business?

Tanya MFK’s Success Design System has been the backbone of profitability for Fortune 500 Companies & Business Owners since 2005.
Unique to address both personal development & business strategy, her mission is to eliminate the hustle lifestyle that keeps us from enjoying our best now while building a thriving business. Tanya is a specialist in gimmick-free effective marketing and strategy for businesses a nd humans of all shapes and circumstances.
• Business Coach (AASBC)
• Life Coach (CLC)
• Applied Neuroscience (CANP)
• NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)
• Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR)
• Ayurvedic Practitioner (AHNC)
• Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Qi Gong
• Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shanghai University)
• ICQ Global DISC Certified
• Certified Mailchimp Partner