Cash Injection Vs. Business Strategy

The # 1 mindset that will send you down the wrong business path?  

“I need money”

If you find yourself in a situation where money is scarce, then the most logical thought is “I need money”

At this juncture, the first thing to ask yourself is:

“Is money really scarce right now or is my mindset in scarcity mode?”

Scarcity mindset typically comes from old beliefs, stories, and traumas about money. Growing up homeless and poor as a child, I had plenty of those. 

 And if we don’t identify and address it now, you will end up a multi-millionaire still living in fear of when the money will disappear. 

Without getting to the root of the issue, we’ll continually make choices based on scarcity rather than abundance and it will lead to overworking, over-worrying, burnout, or worse.

It’s not mindset, I really do need money.

If you ask that question and confirm that you are indeed in a place where you need money then this is what to do next.

Understand the difference between Cash Injection vs. Business Strategy.

If you are indeed strapped for cash, then you need a Cash Injection.

cash injection may or may not come from your current business model.

If your business isn’t already profitable, then stepping up your business efforts in desperation will not create results.

And the scent of “I need this sale” will repel any potential clients you could create.

On the other hand, if you’ve had some success and are simply stagnant, you could be in a great place.  You can let this situation propel you into courage and innovation, i.e. being willing to do the things you were afraid of, trying the things you were putting off, pushing send on that email, and contacting that lead to pitch your idea. 

In any scenario, you must know that the path for cash injection isn’t the same as a Business Strategy.

Business Strategy involves long term thinking. 

It’s doing work now for a successful future

That does not mean we have to wait for income from it- but you do need to be in a place that you afford to try a launch that might fail, run a campaign that only brings in a few clients, or try several iterations of a product plan.

So where are you?

Do you need Cash Injection or a Business Strategy?

Decide and then read the section below that applies to you. 


Identify your runway.

  • How much money do you have now and how long will it last you?
  • Once the money runs out, how much do you need to make it another 6 months to a year “worry free”

This will tell you

  • How long do you have to make the money you need.
  • How much money you need to make

Now that you know the OUTCOME you are trying to reach, it’s time to figure out your Cash Injection STRATEGY.

Brainstorm all the options you have to make that amount of money right now, nothing is off the table.

  • Get a job
  • Contact past clients
  • Run a new product with a very short launch sequence
  • Ask for referrals, etc.

Once you’ve determined the Strategy you will use, you need to determine the PROCESS.

What is the process you need to engage in to get a job, run a new product, ask for referrals, contact past clients?

That may look like sending out 20 resumes a day, writing launch emails, contacting 10 past clients a day, etc.

This is NOT your business strategy, this is your CASH INJECTION STRATEGY. 

The power is knowing where you are

The most powerful knowledge you can have on your entrepreneurial journey is to know what season you are in, otherwise you go searching for the wrong thing. 

It’s not about some magical answer or hack, it’s about implementing the right information at the right time.

And you can’t do that if you don’t know where you are.

If you are in a position where:

  • You have a business fully focused on transforming the lives of others
  • You’re no longer willing to be a best-kept secret.
  • You can choose long-term impact over short-term income and cash flow


You need to first identify your definition of success for your life.

Once you do that, you can look at the definition of success for your business and make sure the two align.

You must also understand the true impact you want your business to make in the world.

Then you come down from the clouds and get into the mud.

(Mud has healing properties, embrace it!)



When will you be seen? Where will you show up so others know you exist?

There’s no right or wrong for this. Do not listen to anyone that says “You gotta do TikTok” “You gotta do Instagram” “It’s all about LinkedIn” They are simply parroting what they’ve heard or regurgitating what worked for them. You are not them. The right answer is the place that you want to hang out. Period.



I understand, you can help everyone- awesome. 

Who do you serve best? Who stands to gain the most benefit right now from working with you? And more importantly who do you like working with best?

This is not about demographics or niching. This is about psychographics and message clarity. You can learn more about this in the Perfect Clients Quick Lesson. 



Marketing is just an outdated way to say “How you bring value to people before they pay you?”

You’ve already chosen where you will stand in traffic. The question now is, what are you saying and doing while you’re standing out there?



If someone likes what you’re saying and doing out there in traffic, what’s the next most logical step they can take to dive further into your world of support?



Once someone is in your world, what can they do to get the ultimate result you offer? This is where and how you offer to serve them- (aka: pitch your sale)

This is NOT a cash injection strategy, this is a Business Strategy and it takes time and effort to execute it and try, try, try again.

The power is knowing where you are

The most powerful knowledge you can have on your entrepreneurial journey is to know what season you are in, otherwise you go searching for the wrong thing. 

It’s not about some magical answer or hack, it’s about implementing the right information at the right time.

And you can’t do that if you don’t know where you are.

If you are in a position where:

  • You have a business fully focused on transforming the lives of others
  • You’re no longer willing to be a best-kept secret.
  • You can choose long-term impact over short-term income and cash flow


Then I can help you build a strategy aligned in the life and success you want.

P.S. Whenever you are ready…here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business and strategize the life you dream of:

1. Ready to build s Strategy Plan in 20 minutes?
Let’s meet: Book a NO-Catch, NO-Pitch Strategy Plan Session HERE

2. Want to Stop Feeling Busy, Create Predictable Days & Regain your Sanity? Check out My Success Schedule HERE. Your investment is $197 and includes 1 Private Coaching session with me.

3. Ready to Stop the Lone-Wolf journey and be supported with a coach and peers with a personalized strategy plan and skills development? Success By Design is 12-Month Customized Support Mastermind Membership to build your strategy & skills to optimize profit and joy. It’s a 6K investment and will deliver more than any program you’ve seen out there. 

(CLICK HERE to visit a private member session as our guest)

4. You’re powerful, have a bias for action, and a track record of success, but crave something more? If you know you’re ready to do the deep work to become the next-level YOU- Let’s have a human-to-human conversation about what that might look like. Book HERE