It is more important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.”― Ilyas Kassam

When you’re setting goals, it’s easy to be discouraged when you miss the mark.

But holy-moly, when you’ve been doing something one way for so long, it’s going to take practice to do it differently.

It’s hard enough for me to adjust to my toothbrush in a new spot, let alone make big life changes.

You are going to screw up! You won’t meet all your goals right away.


It just means you need more practice.

There was a time when it was easier for you to poop yourself, but look where the practice has brought you!

And walking, you definitely didn’t have that squared away from the start. And now you’re walking about- all on your own!

But seriously, give yourself some grace.

Setting goals is not about doing something perfectly, it’s about knowing where to aim.

It’s about setting intentions and the path to follow.

It is about living proactively, instead of reactively.

So get out there, go for your goals, screw up and keep going!

That is all.

BIG Goals require SMALL details.

Every month we join together to determine our best game plan for the next 30 days.

This is not a training or lecture. It’s a space for you to create your plan while being guided through questions. And it’s FREE! Learn more HERE